Founded in 1997, the Niagara Railway Museum Inc. It is located at 21 Warren St, Fort Erie, ON L2A 2N4 is a non-profit volunteer organization that preserves and maintains the history of railroads in the Niagara region. Its main facility is located in a former Canadian National Diesel Shop in Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada. The museum is open Saturdays from June to October.
The Niagara Railway Museum is a local, volunteer-run museum with a collection of 12 track motorcars, including the last Toronto Hamilton & Buffalo Railway 2600 series gondola. The museum also houses several books on railroads and railway history, a small hand-operated crane from CP Rail built by Pyke, and a collection of oilcans and railway signs. The museum is working on a major restoration project, which includes a new roof and brickwork.
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The museum also plans to open a new exhibit dedicated to the rich history of the Underground Railroad in the Niagara Falls area. This exhibit will showcase the authentic stories of the Underground Railroad freedom seekers and abolitionists in Niagara Falls.
The museum has also acquired four lorries that were used for carrying supplies behind motorcars. One of the locomotives on display, an ex-CNR U-3-g Northern, is waiting to be assigned with coal. This locomotive was built by the Montreal Locomotive Works in 1942. The other locomotive on display, an ex-CNR N-1-c Consolidation, is on track two at the Niagara Falls railway station.
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The museum is also home to the last remaining steam locomotive in the area. It is an ex-CNR flanger, built in 1935. This locomotive was moved to the museum from the Niagara District Airport in December, and will be used for rotating displays. The locomotive was donated by Genaire Ltd. It will also be used for Museum meetings.
The Niagara Railway Museum is also home to four gasoline-powered Plymouth 20-Tonner locomotives. The museum has several small artifacts, including a railroad paper work, a railroad lantern, and a CP Rail hand-operated crane.
The museum is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2016. The museum will have a second open weekend on July 8 and 9, and is also planning for the biggest Rail Days event ever. The event will feature new displays and artifact displays, as well as track maintenance equipment and model train layouts. The event will also raise funds to help in preserving and supporting the museum.
The Niagara Railway Museum is located in a former Canadian National diesel shop in Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada. This facility is the only one of its kind in the area. In the early 1950s, the CN built a diesel shop in Fort Erie that housed several locomotives. The museum is also home to several railroad artifacts, including a collection of railroad lanterns and railroad signs. The museum has a collection of 12 track motorcars from various railroads. The museum has a collection of railroad books and lanterns as well. The museum is looking for support in preserving the history of the area and preserve it for future generations. The museum is open to the public on Saturdays from June to October, and is free.
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